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Contact Us

If you would like more information, or would wish to be involved in COLREGs Piloting programme or possible collaboration, you can contact directly by email one of the local representative of the COLREGs team:

Southampton Solent University (United Kingdom)
Mrs. Emma Wadsworth - emma.wadsworth@solent.ac.uk

Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka (Croatia)
Dr. Djani Mohovic – dmohovic@pfri.hr

Centre For Factories Of The Future (United Kingdom)
Mr. Lakhvir Singh - lakhvir.singh@c4ff.co.uk

Bahcesehir University (TURKEY)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Basak Akdemir - basak.akdemir@eng.bau.edu.tr

Nicola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (BULGARIA)
Mr. Nikolai Velikov - velikovn@yahoo.com

Spinaker d.o.o (SLOVENIA)
M.sc. Tomaž Gregorič - tomaz.gregoric@spinaker.si

Sea Teach S.L. (SPAIN)
Mrs. Silja Teege - email@sea-teach.com

Get access to quizzes in scenarios

Teachers can get access to a quiz at each scenario. These quizzes consists of all available multiple choice questions from corresponding scenario only. Teachers can use these quizzes directly during their teaching or for preparing for their class. If you would would like to get access to these quizzes, you can contact directly by email the COLREGs users administrator:

M.sc. Tomaž Gregorič - tomaz.gregoric@spinaker.si (*you should send your name, username at advanced.ecolregs.com and a justification that you are a teacher, e.g. personal webpage at your institutions website)

Basic COLREGs Course - Visit our basic course for single rule scenarios and interpretation!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.